Social transformation for social innovation

The volume brings together texts, analysis and examples on social transformation through social innovation. The chapter edited by Euricse researchers is titled "Europe in transition: the role of cooperative and social enterprises." Read More

WP 83 | 15 The Spirit of the Law over its Letter: The Role of Culture and Social Norms in Shielding Cooperative Banks from Systemic Shocks

The macroeconomic impact of bank misconduct has deterred users of financial services from using the system, to the detriment of market integrity, and has prompted policymakers and supervisors to turn to "culture" as a tool to regain public trust. This paper addresses the definitional deficit on what "culture" is by exploring the illustrative case of cooperative banks. Read More

World Cooperative Monitor 2015

The main objective of the World Co-operative Monitor project is to develop a ranking of the largest cooperative and mutual organizations globally. The 2015 edition of the World Cooperative Monitor report was officially unveiled during the ICA (International Co-operatives Alliance) World Conference, held Nov. 10-13, 2015, in Antalya, Turkey. Read More

Key findings from the World Co-operative Monitor 2015

The fourth edition of the World Co-operative Monitor, analyzing data from 2013, highlights the size and importance of the co-operative sector across the globe. The overall database this year exceeds all past editions reaching 2,829 co-operatives from 76 countries with a total turnover of 2,950.82 billion US dollars. Read More

Do Co-operatives Really Pay Less in Taxes?

One of the most widespread ideas about co-operatives is that they enjoy a more advantageous tax regime relative to other enterprises. As a result, at least in the public’s eye, they would not only contribute less to public finances, but also benefit from an unfair competitive advantage vis à vis shareholder corporations. Read More

Italy 2015 Report. Introduction and summary

The analysis shows that in Italy cooperatives as a whole contribute very significantly to gross domestic product formation and employment, and that cooperatives have really responded to the crisis in a markedly different way from other forms of enterprise. Read More