WP 23 | 12 Cooperative identity and the law

This paper deals with the legal identity of cooperatives. It is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the role and function of law and of comparative legal research on the topic of cooperative identity (sec. 2). The second part focuses on cooperative identity within the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Principles and the ICA Statement on the Cooperative Identity at large (sec. 3). Read More

WP 22 | 11 La cooperaciòn en Trentino: un modelo construido a través de 120 años de transformaciones

Este documento de trabajo presenta un estudio de caso del Trentino, uno de los territorios europeos con la mayor densidad de empresas cooperativas. El sistema de cooperación desarrollado en esta zona fronteriza a lo largo de sus ciento veinte años de historia ha respondido a una serie de acontecimientos que han cambiado sustancialmente y en repetidas ocasiones el marco institucional y económico, que muestra una gran versatilidad. Read More

WP 21 | 11 Las empresas sociales y cooperativas dentro del nuevo paradigma: porque en Europa la realidad niega la ideología

El texto trata del renovado interés europeo, dentro del debate político-institucional, para la economía social. En particular se aborda el reconocimiento de la diversidad de formas de empresas después de más de dos décadas en las que, tanto el paradigma económico continental así como las comunes estrategias de desarrollo de la Unión Europea fueron monopolizadas prácticamente por el predominio del modelo de las grandes empresas capitalistas enmarcas dentro del duopolio Estado - mercado. Read More

WP 20 | 11 Le cooperative in campo educativo: dimensioni del fenomeno e ruolo della cooperazione sociale

In the first part of this paper the universe of cooperative enterprises involved, in various capacities, in the educational field will be quantified. In the second part, the main characteristics of social cooperatives will be explored in depth, looking at the type of goods and services produced, their territorial location, as well as than to structural and performance dimensions. The third and final part will be dedicated to the synthesis of the results and the illustration of some guidelines for the diffusion and strengthening of social cooperation in the educational field. Read More

WP 19 | 11 The development needs of social enterprise. An analysis starting from the “Women&Work” call

Euricse participated in the "Progetto Donne Lavoro" initiative launched by the magazine Donna Moderna and the Vodafone Italia Foundation. The competition notice had the aim of rewarding female social enterprise by offering an opportunity for social emancipation and promotion through work. Euricse, in addition to offering technical consultancy on the topic of social enterprise, was also one of the members of the scientific evaluation committee. Read More

WP 15 | 11 Capital formation in new cooperatives in China: policy and practice

This paper aims to fill one knowledge gap on understanding the issue of capital formation in new co-operatives in developing countries. By doing so, it presents the main findings of capital formation and investment in a small sample of horticulture shareholding co-operatives in rural China, because shareholding co-operatives, as one best example of new multi-stakeholder co-operatives in China, have become a vehicle to mobilize additional resources. Read More

WP 14 | 11 The social cooperation business system. Origins and development of social cooperative consortia

The essay aims to study the organizational structure, i.e. the integration between companies developed by social cooperation in Italy over its thirty years of history. In fact, to best carry out their tasks, social cooperatives make use of the Consortium, an entrepreneurial entity that almost never operates in the final part of the supply chain, rarely places itself on the finished services market, preferring to be in the middle: to produce services for businesses . Read More