JEOD: Special issue on socio-economic development in biosphere reserves

18 October 2017

The new issue (Volume 6, Issue 1) of the international scientific review The Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD) is now available online. It is completely dedicated to the topic on community-based and collaborative solutions to sustainable economic development in and around Biosphere Reserves. The issue is edited by Colin Campbel – SEBR Network and OASIIS (Scozia) – and Silvia Sacchetti – University of Trento.

The Unesco programme “Man and the Biosphere” recognizes, at international level, the presence of territorial areas where the natural resources are protected and valuated thanks to the presence of organizations of communitiy-based such are the social enterprises. The articles published are about some case studies which analyze the role of these enterprises as socio-enviromental infrastuctures: these, among the production of goods and services of collective interest, contribute to refocus approaches and models of local development from the point of view of inclusion and sustainability.

In particular, the Italian case study is written by Giovanni Teneggi (director of Confcooperative Reggio Emilia) and Flaviano Zandonai (researcher of Euricse) and concerns The Community Enterprises of the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano where operate some pioneer community enterprises at national level.

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