Public administration and the third sector. Boundaries and potential of new instruments of collaboration and public support

The issue of the relationship between public entities and third sector entities for the performance and organization of social services and activities of general interest has become central in the scholarly debate following the enactment of the so-called Third Sector Code (Legislative Decree No. 117 of 2017). The contributions collected in this volume highlight the challenges and opportunities posed by the current regulatory framework, with the aim of providing new keys to interpretation and new interpretative perspectives. Read More

Principles of European Cooperative Law

The Principles of European Cooperative Law (PECOL) focus on the ‘ideal’ legal identity of cooperatives. Drafted by a team of legal scholars (Gemma Fajardo, Antonio Fici, Hagen Henrÿ, David Hiez, Deolinda Meira, Hans-H. Münkner and Ian Snaith) gathered around Study Group on European Cooperative Law –(SGECOL), who’s work and… Read More

A European Statute for Social and Solidarity-Based Enterprise

This paper explains why ad hoc legislation on social enterprises (SEs) is essential for the development of this unconventional form of business organization. It describes and compares existing models of SE regulation and discusses the key elements of a social enterprise's legal identity, with the aim of providing recommendations on the possible forms and content of an EU legal statute in this area. Read More

WP 84 | 16 Marco Legal y Desarrollo del Cooperativismo de Crédito en Argentina, 1887-2015

En este trabajo se describe la evolución de las cooperativas de crédito en Argentina desde finales de 1880 hasta la actualidad. El análisis presta particular atención a la influencia de factores políticos e institucionales. En términos más específicos, muestra cómo reiterados cambios en el marco legal y regulatorio, inducidos por la profunda inestabilidad del contexto político argentino, han afectado sustancialmente la dimensión y la estructura del sistema de cooperativas de crédito. Read More

Social Economy Law

The main purpose of this volume is to introduce the reader to the legal concept of social economy, as it is being formed at the European level, also in order to assess its relationship to more familiar notions and formulas in the national context, such as that of "Third Sector." Read More